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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My PI comments term 3


  1. Emma- That was a interesting topic to pick and you put lots of work into it so well done Nat!

  2. Good PI Nat you did really well and you speaked clearly and you put alot of info in it so congrats

  3. Wow cool Nat! We really liked the woolskin! It must of taken ages! Again it was really really really COOL!
    Kate and Libby

  4. Great PI Nat,You did a good job of making that sheepskin blanket and I would like to know how you make a website like that. You spoke clearly and loudly so I'll give you a 9/10! Congats

  5. WOW great PI Nat. You did a great job making that website and the wood blanket maybe you could speak a louder next time cool P.I NATROXXXX


  6. i think that it was good and it was very intersting

  7. What an interesting topic you have chosen, Nat. You worked systematically through a process to produce a fine sheepskin. Have a close look at the success criteria to see where you can improve for next time.

  8. Great job Nat. You had a cool presition. Next time add more detail to the steps.

    zia hadley

  9. Interesting PI Nat! It was great, The result was pretty awesome sounds like alot of preparing the wool was nice and fluffy. You had information which was helpful.Next time maybe make the writing bigger and speak clearer and louder.
    Britt and Sara! =)

  10. we think it was really cool because we didn't know how to make a our own website or a rug out of wool

  11. soft P.I nat you put a lot of effort in to it you can see it

  12. I was so impressed with the detail and hard work you put into your PI. I definitely learnt something new today! Your presentation was clear and you spoke well and I liked the way you brought the finished product into class so that the class could feel it and see it. Well done!
    July 27, 2010 4:34 PM
