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Sunday, October 17, 2010

My Term 4 PI


  1. Great job Nat! That was very interesting. I liked how you had the contact with the audience
    by giving us a quiz. Next time you need to speak a bit louder. You had a fintastic PI
    Hannah and Alana

  2. linda it was really good but maybe next time maybe have a thread place and a time limit

    natalya it was really good and interesting but next time maybe tell us a bit more about the bottle nose dolphan.

  3. Emma- wow Nat that was a awesome Pi!!!
    what you did well- you added a quiz to make it fun.
    what I learnt- that that the bottle nose dolphin is a mammal.
    what you could better next time- don't say bottle nose so much.

  4. good PI it was very interesting but next time you should talk a bit slower but other than that it was cool liked the quiz

  5. that was a really really good P.I Nat! maybe next time you could say that there was going to be a quiz and say go for the quiz because others were done but others had not got there paper but you do really good! GO NAT!!!!

  6. Good job Nat you had heaps of facts and cool information and a cool quiz great job but next time talk louder and slower but apart from that great job.
    Sophie, Sara and Britt =)

  7. WOW! Cool P.I Nat! I really liked how you spoke cleary and did the quiz!
    Nexttime you couldmaybe give out a bit more info. And speak slower.
    But other thanthat GOOD JOB

  8. well done Nat dont say the same word over and over again. spoke clearly and had alot of facts.

  9. Great PI Nat you had a lots of info and we all enjoyed it. but next your time when you talk but a part from that well done

    PS thanks you for the lollies

    Lucy and Grace

  10. Cool pi you did a lot of research you spoke clearly and It was cool because we came 2nd next time you should say go when the quiz starts and we would like to say cool pi
